It is incredible to think that some forms of encryption are easily
broken.  One popular form of encrypting text, called ROT-13 (ROT 
meaning ROTate) is so easily breakable that people who use it frequently 
claim that it should only be used for prevention of accidental reading 
of certain text.  Another form of encryption, known as DES, was at one 
time meant to be a serious form of secure encryption but these days an 
organization like the distributed computing system headquartered at can break DES encryption in less than 24 hours 
with a brute force attack.  Meanwhile, much more 
difficult forms of encryption like RC5 can 
take as long as 10 years for 
the samedistributed 
network to crack.
Vg vf vaperqvoyr 
gb guvax gung fbzr sbezf bs 
rapelcgvba ner rnfvyl oebxra.  Bar 
cbchyne sbez bs rapelcgvat grkg, pnyyrq EBG-13
(EBG zrnavat EBGngr) vf fb rnfvyl oernxnoyr gung crbcyr jub hfr vg
serdhragyl pynvz gung vg fubhyq bayl or hfrq sbe ceriragvba bs 
nppvqragny ernqvat bs pregnva grkg.  Nabgure sbez bs rapelcgvba, xabja
nf QRF, jnf ng bar gvzr zrnag gb or n frevbhf sbez bs frpher rapelcgvba
ohg gurfr qnlf na betnavmngvba yvxr gur qvfgevohgrq pbzchgvat flfgrz
urnqdhnegrerq ng qvfgevohgrq.arg 
pna oernx QRF rapelcgvba va yrff guna
24 ubhef jvgu n oehgr sbepr nggnpx.  Zrnajuvyr, zhpu zber qvssvphyg 
sbezf bs rapelcgvba yvxr EP5 
pna gnxr nf ybat nf 10 lrnef sbe gur fnzr qvfgevohgrq argjbex gb penpx.